Friday Apr 16, 2021
Is mold reactivity bad?
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
This theme needs to be repeated over and over. However, remember that if you are new to my podcast, you should start listening to the EARLIEST episodes first.
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
You have to Survive before you can Thrive
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
"When can I live a normal life?", many people ask. Well, let's start with the basics. It is hard to live a normal life if you can't even survive. You have to Survive before you can Thrive.
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
FREmedica Wave 1 device - My Experience
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
You guys know that I prefer minimal treatments during mold avoidance. In fact, currently (3.5 years into avoidance) I've given up 99% of all medical treatments. Today, though, I'm talking about one of the few modalities which DID help me during early mold avoidance: the FREmedica Wave 1. You can get 10% off the device by using code BIOMED, if you're interested.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
New here? Start with this episode!
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
My podcast is getting big with dozens of episodes. Not all episodes are tailored toward beginners. This is a good one to start with, and not too long. Also, this episode mentions some other episodes you can listen to in order to get started. What are we focusing on today? First of all, on REALIZING that mold avoidance is a massive paradigm shift. Then, on HOW to help transition into the new paradigm (because it isn't always easy or intuitive). If you're not new to mold avoidance, you can skip this episode!
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
5 MINUTES OR LESS: The Good News and the Bad News about How Sick You Are
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
When I was super sick, it was always alarming how the "latest and greatest" therapies didn't do much for me. I knew I was much, much sicker than the people who were helped by those therapies. So, when mold avoidance started working (but when it also was taking forever to heal with mold avoidance) I was encouraged. I knew I was very sick and I knew the right medicine would not be a quick fix.
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Bird's Eye Comparison: Mold Doctor Treatment vs. Extreme Mold Avoidance
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Someone had listened to some of my podcast episodes but still didn't have a clear understanding of this difference. So I realized I needed to zoom out a little, and offer a birds-eye comparison. Please, also watch my related video. My YouTube channel is "Bryan Rosner," go watch the 7-minute video, "mold tests vs. mold avoidance."
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Q&A with Andrew: 8 Months of Extreme Avoidance Allows Return to Hometown
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
I am very excited to share an interview with my friend Andrew, who reports that 8 months of extreme mold avoidance in a tent allowed him to return to his hometown of Boulder, CO and live in a normal house. This interview is a 2-part series, the first part is this podcast episode, the second part is a written Q&A on my blog which can be found at https://lymebook.com/bryan/2020/11/08/andrews-story/
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
This is SUCH an important topic. We need to learn the difference between a theory, or school of thought, or opinion... and an actual SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. When you are learning about mold avoidance, and the super toxins that mold avoiders are careful to avoid, remember that you are learning about an objective, paradigm-shifting scientific discovery, not just another "medical theory."
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
It is easy to forget that we made GREAT strides in healing progress early in mold avoidance, even though I had never done any homework and didn't read any books. I literally thought that "mold avoidance" was "going south out of the snow for the winter." In this episode, Leila joins me on the podcast to remind me about our early mold avoidance days. The takeaway message: don't be intimidated by all of the information and experienced mold avoiders. Just get out there and start healing, it really is easy.
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Surprising Food & Diet Hacks for Mold Avoidance
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
You don't want to miss this episode. Everything I knew - and FELT - about food, changed right before my eyes as I pursued mold avoidance, especially after the first year or two of healing. It is AMAZING how many things changed. Don't learn these lessons the hard way - get on the fast track with these diet secrets, hacks, tips & tricks.
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
I've had a lot of requests for this episode. It's a long one, but so important. How does one tell the difference between detox symptoms which may occur in a good location, vs. symptoms experienced as a result of mold exposure?
Friday Aug 28, 2020
The Singularity of Mold Avoidance
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
If you have a broken leg, do you take vitamin C and do Yoga? No. You take care of the broken leg. This paradigm is very difficult for mold illness patients to transfer to the idea that MOLD is what is causing illness. I made this podcast to help folks trudge across this intellectual chasm...it isn't easy. But you can do it!
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
RV Tips for Mold Avoidance: Avoiding Catastrophic RV Mistakes
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
From time to time, I'll be making podcasts which help mold avoiders be successful living in RV's. Note that these tips will NOT replace standard RV knowledge, skills, driving safety, and general mechanical aptitude. In other words, I'm not teaching you how to handle and use an RV in general. I will be focusing ONLY on specific topics related to mold avoidance. I strongly suggest that before anyone purchase an RV, they become well-versed in safe and efficient operation of RV's. If you are considering purchasing an RV, there are many ways to learn about safe RV operation, including, but not limited to, searching YouTube for "rv basics for beginners."
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
FRAT is one of the most important toxins for you to learn about. This podcast episode was inspired by some recent run-in's I've had with FRAT, so the bad boy is fresh on my mind. Remember that an understanding of this topic isn't achieved by listening to a single podcast. I have decided that the goal of this podcast episode is to equip you to do further research; in other words, to give you the insight to know which questions to ask. So now, go ask some experienced mold avoiders more about FRAT :)
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
What’s been bitch-slapping me and what will I do about it?
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Two years ago I would have said this podcast title is too rude and edgy. But now I don't think it is strong enough. If a tidal wave or avalanche is coming, I want you to YELL in my ear, not just have a calm civilized discussion with me. Probably one of the MOST IMPORTANT mold avoidance skills is to recognize that mold avoidance isn't what we want it to be. It is what it is. It actually DOES work, but you don't get to make up the rules. We all try so hard to make up our own rules during the first year or two, because we are used to "mixing and matching" bullshit alternative health protocols that don't work. But mold avoidance takes hold of you, and starts to dictate how you go forward. Find out what I mean in this podcast.
Sunday May 24, 2020
MOLD AVOIDANCE SKILLS SERIES: Making Flexibility Effortless
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
This episode is part of the mold avoidance skills series. Today's topic is flexibility, and why flexibility is needed to succeed with mold avoidance. Furthermore, we aren't just looking for flexibility, we are looking for EFFORTLESS flexibility. I will share some examples and practical tips.
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Ozone Therapy for Mold - What’s the Deal?
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Doing mold avoidance changes the body in some pretty amazing ways. For example, I no longer needed any of my supplements after starting mold avoidance. Yet, my body wanted ozone therapy more than ever before. Why? Find out in this podcast.
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
If you are new to the concept of mold avoidance, PLEASE listen to this episode - especially if you have Lyme disease! I was on a major roll when I made this, and I think it has a LOT of really paradigm-shifting information. Share this with your Lyme friends who are in the throes of Lyme treatment! This changes EVERYTHING....
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Mold Allergy or Mold Toxicity? And Why It Matters!
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Of course, some people may have an allergy to molds. But the kind of mold toxicity that causes chronic illness is a WHOLE different ballgame. Here's why. And, here's why this is important.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Time to Listen, not Speak - Becoming a Student of Mold Avoidance
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
(10 minute listen time) In our politically-correct modern world, it is just sort of accepted that everyone "deserves to be heard out." All of our opinions "matter." But what if so many opinions are being shared, that the actual truth of the matter is being drowned out? That is exactly what happens when new mold avoiders try to bring their preconceived notions into the classroom. For new mold avoiders, it is a time to listen, and not speak; a time to be a student and learn. Why? Listen to this episode to find out...
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Interview with Karen Dean - Metal Housing for Mold Avoiders
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
[Interview starts around 20 seconds in]
Karen Dean is one of those mold avoiders who succeeded in defeating mold illness and moved on with her life, and doesn't participate as much on the Mold Forums. I became fascinated with Karen's story because after being pushed into a corner by conventional housing, my family has decided that metal housing is the only way to go.
Karen has successfully lived in metal housing for years now, and after speaking with her on the phone briefly, I decided that what she had to say was so important that I wanted to make an interview out of it. Please enjoy this episode with Karen, and stop by the Practical Mold Avoidance forum to say hi to her personally! Thanks Karen, for being there to share with us!
Here is an image of Karen's actual metal houses:
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Mold Sabbatical - the first step in healing from mold illness
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
15 minutes listen time.
If your house has a mold problem, you are literally living in a SEVERELY DANGEROUS situation where you are immersed in a poisonous substance that is building up in your body and causing chronic illness. You have chronic poisoning. This is not a small thing! It is a very big deal.
In this episode, we will examine the "mold sabbatical," and why it is the first step in recovery, and a gift to your healing journey. This is an important podcast!
Also, you can join our Facebook Group where we discuss and help people with mold avoidance: https://www.facebook.com/groups/moldavoidanceqa